Reflection Garden

3 Aug 2021 by Admin in: What's On?

The purpose of the Reflection Garden

Gardening is not only about relaxing in sunshine, but we also need to prepare our spiritual gardens for life's storms.

The Reflection Garden is centered on a focal point surrounded by a circle of a hedge, where the five senses can be experienced. For sight, the beauty of colour in the plants; for smell, the perfume of many of the flowers and plants; for hearing, the soft sound of the running water in the urn and the birdsong from the avian visitors; for taste, the herbs and bush tucker, and for touch, all the different textures of sandstone, timber, foliage and water.


A brief history

After the extensions of the Uniting Outreach and Worship Centres were completed in 2019, one of our Outreach volunteers said, “and now we need somewhere to sit and reflect”, — a special space for a garden, to come, rest and reflect and let nature awaken the senses.
The first meeting of a garden group was held on 21 January 2021 with nine people attending and putting forward some great ideas. And so, the paperwork began.
The construction work commenced on 13 September 2021 and after many delays with rain, the project was completed in early January 2022.

Dedication Service

The Reflection Garden was dedicated on Saturday, 26 March 2022.

Smoking ceremony by Phil Butler and Bea Butler




Woden Grant, Illawarra Presbytery
Ian Dadd, Impact Landscapes
Stephen Shipton, Signtext
Milton Ulladulla Outreach Center
Milton Ulladulla Uniting Church Congregation Members
Simon Law